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Thread: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

  1. Back To Top    #1
    Perpetually dissatisfied tRidiot's Avatar
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    Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

    Change my mind.

    Honestly, I think whatever happens on election night - clear winner, clear loser, or ambiguous haze to be fought in court for weeks (or more likely months) - we're likely to see major rioting in a few cities (I'm sure we can all name them already) and moderate rioting in a whole lot of others.

    The only way to prevent this, in my opinion, is a massive turnout of police with crackdown on demonstrations, which will lead to additional problems all its own.

    I'm certainly dreading this election for multiple reasons.

    A win for Harris/Biden means a major push toward our complete disarmament, especially if there is a Democrat majority in the House and Senate. This would be the scariest thing I can think of for traditional freedom of Americans and signify a wild Slip'n'Slide ride into the pool of socialism to come.

    A win for Trump will lead to widespread civil unrest as the leftist antagonizers go all all out in their attempt to bring down our Republic.

    Maybe I'm being pessimistic, Lord knows I was wrong in the last election. I totally believed the polls, and of course, the MSM will never give the right accurate readings, not to mention in many areas people are just plain AFRAID to "come out" in public supporting conservative policies. This, to me, says more than anything - the fear of the left. If one has to be afraid one's life and family could be destroyed by the opposition, I think we're already in grave danger.

    We've seen the Rule of Law reduced to absolutely nothing in recent months - as it pertains to protection of private property and persons, while seeing the .gov step its bootheel on the throat of freedom to run your business and live your life in what I find to be extremely Constitutionally-dubious mandates and closures.

    And we've all just fallen in line, for the most part.


    Doom and gloom, I know, I know. I'm just a bit morose this morning, I guess. Scared to see the world my son may have to grow up in.

  2. Back To Top    #2

    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

    Nobody is taking your guns.

  3. Back To Top    #3

    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

    Quote Originally Posted by ca90ss View Post
    Nobody is taking your guns.
    You should try and keep up. The democrats #1 priority is to get rid of the 2nd amendment rights. It has been for a long time. That's not debatable. They've told us this for a long time. The democrats that ran for the dem nomination this year even said so so we don't have to wonder about that. Just after the covid outbreak was happening and they were talking about shutting everything down the gun shops were so overcrowded there were lines of people outside waiting to get in. I thought what the hell, are these people crazy? What do they think is going to happen, a civil war? Do they think we're suddenly going to lose our 2nd amendment? I thought they were crazy. Turns out they were right. Look at how fast we have lost so many rights in just the past 10 months and then think what will most likely happen if Biden wins.

  4. Back To Top    #4

    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

    Did Obama take your guns?

  5. Back To Top    #5

    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

    Quote Originally Posted by ca90ss View Post
    Did Obama take your guns?
    Nope but they tried like hell to do as much as they could. All it takes is a few more crazy elected officials to sway the balance

  6. Back To Top    #6

    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

    Every time there’s a Democrat in office you guys swear they’re going to take my guns. Still have a closet full of them and I live in one of the worst states for gun owners. Hell, going to pick up another one Saturday.

  7. Back To Top    #7
    Noob Notloudenuf's Avatar
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    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

    Quote Originally Posted by jettyman View Post
    You should try and keep up. The democrats #1 priority is to get rid of the 2nd amendment rights. It has been for a long time. That's not debatable. They've told us this for a long time. The democrats that ran for the dem nomination this year even said so so we don't have to wonder about that. Just after the covid outbreak was happening and they were talking about shutting everything down the gun shops were so overcrowded there were lines of people outside waiting to get in. I thought what the hell, are these people crazy? What do they think is going to happen, a civil war? Do they think we're suddenly going to lose our 2nd amendment? I thought they were crazy. Turns out they were right. Look at how fast we have lost so many rights in just the past 10 months and then think what will most likely happen if Biden wins.
    Look who has been in charge for the last 10 months. Why are the Dems (or whoever you think) at fault for things that are happening while this guy is in office? Cities have been on fire, cops have been "standing down" yet Biden is "weak" (per TV ads) wtf is repubs plan? Why aren't they doing anything to stop it? If they wanted to stop anything they would have by now but it's an election year and they are more interested in hoarding power than fixing any problem. Basically all politicians are this way. vote out every single person that is in office now.
    2002 330Ci & 2020 Tacoma

  8. Back To Top    #8

    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

    Quote Originally Posted by ca90ss View Post
    Every time there’s a Democrat in office you guys swear they’re going to take my guns. Still have a closet full of them and I live in one of the worst states for gun owners. Hell, going to pick up another one Saturday.
    And every year it gets closer to happening. Look at how extreme the democratic party has gotten the past 4 years. It's actually a mainstream position in the democratic party now to outlaw certain guns. They recently tried banning ammunition since they couldn't ban guns outright. They even passed a bill allowing people to sue the gun manufacturers when a crazy person uses a gun to shoot someone...if you want a semi-automatic rifle you better buy it now in case Biden wins.

  9. Back To Top    #9

    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

    Quote Originally Posted by Notloudenuf View Post
    Look who has been in charge for the last 10 months. Why are the Dems (or whoever you think) at fault for things that are happening while this guy is in office? Cities have been on fire, cops have been "standing down" yet Biden is "weak" (per TV ads) wtf is repubs plan? Why aren't they doing anything to stop it? If they wanted to stop anything they would have by now but it's an election year and they are more interested in hoarding power than fixing any problem. Basically all politicians are this way. vote out every single person that is in office now.
    Who do you think has been committing all the violence? It sure as hell hasn't been the republicans. The republicans have done something about it. It's not happening in republican led cities. The democratic leaders in these cities have refused federal help. Have you been sleeping under a rock somewhere?? Wake up

  10. Back To Top    #10
    Perpetually dissatisfied tRidiot's Avatar
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    Re: Less than three weeks to nationwide riots....

    None of the politicians are truly on the side of the people and freedom.

    Yes, Biden has explicitly said he wants to take away guns, at least some of them. Recall the "Bingo" comment about the NRA, recall him talking to Beto in the cafe telling him he "needs" him to help him implement his policies. He practically told Beto he was going to be his new gun czar.

    Every Democrat out there is in favor of additional restrictions on firearms.

    Look at Biden's position paper - Biden brags incessantly about the Brady bill and the "assault weapons ban" which he claims. Biden supports holding firearms manufacturers responsible for the misuse and illegal acts of purchasers of their products. If you intentionally ram your car into a Starbucks, is GM or Ford responsible? How about if you fly a Cessna into a school with intent, and there is NO failure on the part of the aircraft? Should the company be liable for your actions? Absolutely not! But this is EXACTLY what Biden and the left is pushing for - an end-around on the 2nd Amendment, driving manufacturers out of business by making it so expensive no one can afford to buy their product.

    Biden also plans new weapon bans, magazine bans, etc. Plainly stated on his own website. How about blatant lies and misleading statements? Like this one -

    Federal law prevents hunters from hunting migratory game birds with more than three shells in their shotgun. That means our federal law does more to protect ducks than children. It’s wrong.
    Really? So... there's a federal law that ALLOWS the hunting of ducks. There are also numerous state and federal laws that BAN the murder of children. So... how are children fair game to hunters? Oh, they're not? Well then, what in the world is he talking about? Is this a blatant lie or is this misdirection? It's not hyperbole, it's a blatant lie. This is the kind of BS we're supposed to be too stupid to see through??? "Clap for that, you stupid bastards!" RIGHT?

    Requiring background checks on private sales. How do you accomplish that? You CAN'T, unless you require all weapons to be registered. Federally.

    Eliminate the 3 day wait - if the system can't approve you, you can't buy a gun. Period. No reasonable time limit on the government to restrict your right to own a firearm - just like New Jersey, which has numerous cases where people needed a firearm for protection and the state sat on their applications, sometimes with deadly results.

    Biden will enact legislation to prohibit all online sales of firearms, ammunition, kits, and gun parts.
    Can't buy a single item online for a firearm. What the hell is this other than an effort to restrict the access of ANYONE to firearms or firearms-related products? It's already illegal to buy a gun online, it HAS to be shipped to a dealer to be transferred to a buyer. Apparently that's not enough, if you want a scope, a box of specialty ammo or a new set of grips for your .45, they want you to have to go to a gun shop to get it.

    F them.

    Tell me the left doesn't have any plans to restrict the 2nd Amendment and I'll call you a bald-faced liar.

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