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Thread: Rear Fill: A Waste Of Drivers Or An Auto Sound Necessity? - 1992 AS&S

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    Senior Member Euphonic's Avatar
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    Rear Fill: A Waste Of Drivers Or An Auto Sound Necessity? - 1992 AS&S

    Sweeney, Dan "Rear Fill: A Waste Of Drivers Or An Auto Sound Necessity?" Auto Sound & Security August 1992: 44-46.

    Last edited by Euphonic; 08-22-2018 at 09:56 PM.

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    Owner BigAl205's Avatar
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    Re: Rear Fill: A Waste Of Drivers Or An Auto Sound Necessity? - 1992 AS&S

    Rear fill is one of the more interesting topic, IMO...although it's highly debated.

    Thanks for posting.

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    Re: Rear Fill: A Waste Of Drivers Or An Auto Sound Necessity? - 1992 AS&S

    you can see when a difference signal as rear fill, developed out of the quadrophonic home audio, in this supposition article. Lycan was only adjusting the time-lapse for a more modern DSP-derived attempt, tweaked as it were with frequency shaped image drivers.

    The Logic7 prime meridian, Fosgate's 360 degree Space Matrix, serves us well into the new century with convolvers and software, (old school, computer fronted designs, haha) then, and now squeezed like toothpaste into "upmixer" terminologies. The is, is faster, more, better now, with High Res putzes, I wish the injection point, or tipping point, or whatever you call design integrity, would hurry up and make this hobby plug and play already. I do not want to become part of the rank and file austere audiophilia-stricken, tuning esoteric mic's with room correction software for my Saturday night garage time, anymore. I just want an affordable all-in, all-in-one, like maybe the Raimonds' unit, minus 2/3 cost of admission, perhaps.

    Even that is so highly technical that I balk, I have become lazy in my latest years. I enjoy the taxing part of installs, the hanging under the dash part, the "half in the trunk, half out" parts. I don't really get as much joy from punching in menus, as I do putting torque into a screwdriver. Maybe that's what the truncation of our industry, (hobby?) comes from. I would have thought the kids who spent all their lives glued into little LCD screens would have it better, but no, not really from what I've seen. They just want to Spotify and live in a cloud, "just fix it for me, I don't care anymore if you think it could use more tuning!" and so it goes...

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